Random Sentence Builder: Generate fast sentences

This application randomly selects from four headings: a subject, a verb, what kind of sentence you have to form and the time to be used to use.

Intent: Make the right sentence, conjugated in the correct time. Useful for exercise and short repetition tests.

Target audience: Language teachers who want to make any time, or to do a mixed exercise.

This version is designed to teach English, but can be customized to any language. Please update the data in the file eg Eg-sentence-Builder .xml. Accents (French) are accepted.

The PDF is a manual.

The data_sentence_builder.xml file is one specific for the Futur simple and the Conditionnel presentation. Put it in a separate folder together with the two other required files and then only verbs that are important to the Futur simple and the Conditionnel presentation are important. (This file was added by Erik Devlies - KlasCement)

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