Hello-Hello: Learning Conversations perform in French

The app is a language course consisting of thirty lessons. All classes are focused on conversation and are based on realistic dialogues and situations.

A lesson consists of eight steps.

  1. Here's the situation: a video of 1 minute
  2. So you have to write this: the movie is shown again, with the text there. (Option: you can click on 'view text to see or watch videos to see that phrase by phrase appears what is said of the video, the full dialogue)
  3. Understand the meaning: text and translation are shown
  4. Now you have to say a sentence (part of a) listen and then record
  5. Now you need to write: write a sentence
  6. Now you can read, reply to a question by ticking the correct answer
  7. Now you can listen: listen to a French phrase and select the correct answer
  8. Expand your vocabulary

The first lesson, introductions and greetings, free. Afterwards, must be paid.

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