Women in peacebuilding: Teaching package

The package consists of three hours of lessons starting from the conflict in Congo. With a view to inclusivity and to maintain a balance between heavy and light topics, the design principles are as follows: information and various forms of educational games are offered so that the teacher can choose and adapt to his/her group of students; and many tools and methods are also provided to ensure that the learning process runs as smoothly as possible without losing sight of the students' mood.

It focuses on the meaning of peace and conflict through dialogue, quizzes about the history and conflicts in Congo and a role play that focuses on the importance of women in peace building.

The students take on the challenge together to discover their own definitions for peace and conflict and join forces in groups. They are encouraged to adopt an open and respectful attitude towards these timeless topics. Teachers are the peacemakers who teach young people to live together in peace and help them overcome their prejudices in this multicultural society.

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